Top 3 Tips To Boosting Your Leadership Confidence
"I am looking for those who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done." ~ Henry Ford
The cybersecurity industry is booming, and it's not surprising that many businesses face challenges when trying to grow. You lack resources, budgets are tight for most companies in this market - there just isn't enough time! Programs change regularly which also makes planning difficult; you always have new things on your plate without knowing where or if they'll be needed next year (or the next five). These dynamics can limit your self-confidence below its full potential.
Whether you're a manager, employee, parent, friend, or lover... confidence is crucial in every situation. Leaders need confidence to make decisions and inspire others; employees need confidence to speak up and share their ideas; parents need confidence to raise their children well.
But what is confidence, exactly? And how can you boost your own confidence – especially when it comes to leading others?
Confidence is a mindset. It's the belief that you can do something, and the certainty that you will succeed. When you're confident, you focus on your strengths and put your best foot forward. You don't let doubts or fears hold you back.
Confidence is also a muscle that needs to be exercised. It's not something you're born with. It's developed through practice and experience like any other skill we may have learned in life such as driving, playing an instrument, or endurance training for a marathon. Patrick Tan, Founder & CEO of Golden Point Executives, spent nearly one year preparing for his first New York City Marathon by training heavily--including running shorter races like 10k and half-marathon events. These small wins over that year of training boosted his confidence to complete the longer distance event.
Leadership confidence is essential for any leader who wants to go the distance. Here are three tips for boosting your confidence and becoming a more effective leader:
Tip #1 - Know your strengths.
It's important to know your strengths and to build confidence in your ability to lead based on those capabilities. By identifying what you're good at, you can focus your time and energy on improving those skills that have the most positive impact on your work. When you know and grow your capabilities, you're more confident to put them on display.
TIP BOOSTER #1: Take a moment to think about how you could get even better at one of your strengths, turning it into a super-strength.
Tip #2 - Set realistic goals.
It's easier to feel confident when you're working towards achievable goals. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to do too much; instead, focus on what you can achieve in a certain amount of time. Break your goals down into smaller steps so you can track your progress and stay motivated.
TIP BOOSTER #2: Imagine the biggest goal possible that you believe can be realistically achieved. Don’t waste your time on goals that are impossible to reach when there are so many other things you can do in your life.
Tip #3 - Practice self-compassion.
When you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up. Accept that you're human, and forgive yourself for your mistakes. When you practice self-compassion, you'll be more likely to take risks and try new things. If you want to succeed, don't be afraid to make mistakes. While they can feel bad in the moment, they're great learning experiences that will help you grow over time. Learn from them and move on.
TIP BOOSTER #3: Think of what you would say to a team member you admire if he or she were facing a difficult or stressful situation. Then, when you find yourself in this kind of situation, direct these compassionate responses toward yourself.
Boosting your confidence is a process that takes time and effort. But with these tips, you're on your way to becoming a more confident leader.